Find the voice for your project here.
Jenise Morgan
All Told VO. Exuberant Collaborator. Nimble Narrator. Experienced Producer.
Laila Berzins
Empaths & Belly Laughs VO. Zany Wit. Heartening Power. Characters Galore.
Trisha Lynn
Game Face VO. Dedicated to being the top draft pick for your story.
Lakes Webb
The trusted voice behind your words.
Andrew Lander
Business Casual Voice Overs. Authentic, Uptown, Conversational, Engaging African American Millennial VO. [wptpa...
Maurice Scott
Temptation & Tenderness VO. Wholehearted gentleman. Tantalizing edge.
Stefan Johnson
Voiceover Evolved. Enticing, igniting, influential. One of the sharpest tools in the VO box.
Gregg Marx
Talking Trust VO. Dedicated to make your brand a lifelong friend of your listener.